The much beloved and admired Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus begins this series of my favorite butterflies from the gardens of 2011. I so look forward to their return each summer and delight in finding their tiny etched eggs on milkweed plants. It is more exciting when I see the female actually fastening her eggs. I should truly love to be a butterfly . . . a Monarch emerging in late summer, so I could fly to Mexico. Ah . . . to have the … [Read more...] about Flower Hill Farm BUTTERFLIES Of 2011 ~ Favorite Monarchs
Archives for January 2012
A Piece of the Center . . . Centerpieces For Katarina
Fritillary Sipping in the Center of Echinacea Bloom Black Swallowtail Going Into the CenterThistleBluebird in Nestbox Entrance CenterBaby Indigo Bunting Flower Hill Farm's Black Cherry (Michael's tree) in the Center of a double RainbowCenterpieces for a WeddingPlaying with the notion of centers and centerpieces for Katarina … [Read more...] about A Piece of the Center . . . Centerpieces For Katarina
A Piece of the Center . . . Centerpieces For Katarina
Fritillary Sipping in the Center of Echinacea Bloom Black Swallowtail Going Into the Center Thistle Bluebird in Nestbox Entrance Center Baby Indigo Bunting Flower Hill Farm's Black Cherry (Michael's tree) in the Center of a double Rainbow Centerpieces for a Wedding Playing with the notion of centers and centerpieces for Katarina … [Read more...] about A Piece of the Center . . . Centerpieces For Katarina
A Bestiary – At Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens PART TWO
White-tailed DeerDoe Communicating with Her Hoof . . . Stomping Her Authority Please join me over at Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens for my monthly post. This month I share stories and photos of magical and enchanting encounters with White-tailed Deer in our gardens and fields. … [Read more...] about A Bestiary – At Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens PART TWO
A Bestiary – At Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens PART TWO
White-tailed Deer Doe Communicating with Her Hoof . . . Stomping Her Authority Please join me over at Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens for my monthly post. This month I share stories and photos of magical and enchanting encounters with White-tailed Deer in our gardens and fields. … [Read more...] about A Bestiary – At Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens PART TWO