Summer greets Western Massachusetts with a hot soup of humid heat. The rising sun casts a net of sweltering, swelling, sanguine rays piercing skin and leaf alike. Spreading landscape's spring green evaporates into a darker coating . . . void of its former verdant glow. It is a great time for butterflies, except for all the many round eyes and beaks hunting and tearing at their lovely gowns. Catbirds and Phoebes especially are relentless in their pursuit of the many Tiger Swallowtails … [Read more...] about First Days of Summer Walkabout
First Days of Summer Walkabout
Summer greets Western Massachusetts with a hot soup of humid heat. The rising sun casts a net of sweltering, swelling, sanguine rays piercing skin and leaf alike. Spreading landscape's spring green evaporates into a darker coating . . . void of its former verdant glow. It is a great time for butterflies, except for all the many round eyes and beaks hunting and tearing at their lovely gowns. Catbirds and Phoebes especially are relentless in their pursuit of the many Tiger … [Read more...] about First Days of Summer Walkabout
Spring Spreads Swaths of Sweetness in Petals and Song
"She beckons, and the woods start~ She nods and all begin~ Surely ~ such a country I was never in." Emily Dickinson Viburnum carlesii before White Birch Spring is spry and gay . . . spreading sheets of sweet petals . . . swathes of green surface. Flowering Quince Magnolias and Weeping Chery Returning birds and songs fill the cool spring air. A magical time of year. Tree Swallow seen from under the Weeping Cherry tree Strife strings along with the season ~ As well as … [Read more...] about Spring Spreads Swaths of Sweetness in Petals and Song
Spring Spreads Swaths of Sweetness in Petals and Song
"She beckons, and the woods start~She nods and all begin~Surely ~ such a countryI was never in." Emily DickinsonViburnum carlesii before White BirchSpring is spry and gay . . . spreading sheets of sweet petals . . . swathes of green surface. Flowering QuinceMagnolias and Weeping CheryReturning birds and songs fill the cool spring air. A magical time of year.Tree Swallow seen from under the Weeping Cherry treeStrife strings along with the season ~ As well as wing embraces ~ a … [Read more...] about Spring Spreads Swaths of Sweetness in Petals and Song