Property disputes between bluebirds and tree swallows, and tree swallows and tree swallows seem to be resolved by now and life is very busy with serious nesting preparations here at Flower Hill Farm. Today I took my first butterfly photo of 2014 — caught a whisper of light in a Cabbage White while she rested between sips of daffodil nectar. I invite you to scroll through to see the animated birds and a honeybee too. Migratory songbirds … [Read more...] about Spring’s Resolve Bluebirds and Tree Swallows
Waiting with Wildlife for Spring’s Return
We are all patiently waiting for spring to arrive here in Western Massachusetts. Flower Hill Farm has no buds a bloom in the trees or scattered about the snow covered grounds, and though I may be a bit weary of this winter, I can see signs of spring in the arrival and behavior of some of our wildlife. I have seen turkey vultures soaring high over the hills and do note more song filling the rawness of early morning. Also, sap is flowing within the sugar maples, while stacks from … [Read more...] about Waiting with Wildlife for Spring’s Return
October Changing Light and Hues Flights Stirring Fallen Leaves
October drifted into our lives, already alive in colors changing to their true hues, with several flocks in flight stirring up fallen leaves beneath our stately Rock Maple trees. Cedar Waxwings, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, solitary Blue-headed Vireos and Bluebirds flit about calling out in high pitched trills and tweets. A pair of Pileated Woodpeckers dash and tear the sheath of air around the shivering, nearly golden Black Cherry. Everything is in constant motion most all of the time, but just now … [Read more...] about October Changing Light and Hues Flights Stirring Fallen Leaves
October Changing Light and Hues Flights Stirring Fallen Leaves
October drifted into our lives, already alive in colors changing to their true hues, with several flocks in flight stirring up fallen leaves beneath our stately Rock Maple trees. Cedar Waxwings, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, solitary Blue-headed Vireos and Bluebirds flit about calling out in high pitched trills and tweets. A pair of Pileated Woodpeckers dash and tear the sheath of air around the shivering, nearly golden Black Cherry. Everything is in constant motion most all of the time, but just now … [Read more...] about October Changing Light and Hues Flights Stirring Fallen Leaves
Back To Cooler Garden Days of June ~ Roses, Mauves, Reds and Bluebird Broods
July has been a sultry mix so far with last night's "humiture" becoming more bearable or wearable I might say. I find it amusing that a former weatherman and gardener of the name George Winterling developed what we know as the 'heat index' . . . where the temperature of the air and that of the relative humidity are combined to come up with 'how hot it feels.' Well, we have all been feeling the heat wave and riding it as best we can. Back awhile ago, I promised to share the mauves and pinks … [Read more...] about Back To Cooler Garden Days of June ~ Roses, Mauves, Reds and Bluebird Broods