Joyous song and fragrance fills the air about our hillside habitat and gardens. Male Indigo Bunting Delicious Viburnum and French Lilac Lilac and Viburnum Looking Towards Mount Holyoke Range French Lilac and Lilac Topiary Looking Over Toward Walnut Hill French Lilacs and Lilac Topiary Looking Over Towards Carey Hill and High Ridge Lilac Topiary Looking Into Lower Garden Dwarf Fothergilla and Lilacs Looking Down Towards Apple Gateway and Blueberry Field Same As … [Read more...] about Quietly Walking About the Mid May Garden
Quietly Walking About the Mid May Garden
Joyous song and fragrance fills the air about our hillside habitat and gardens.Male Indigo BuntingDelicious Viburnum and French LilacLilac and Viburnum Looking Towards Mount Holyoke RangeFrench Lilac and Lilac Topiary Looking Over Toward Walnut HillFrench Lilacs and Lilac Topiary Looking Over Towards Carey Hill and High RidgeLilac Topiary Looking Into Lower GardenDwarf Fothergilla and Lilacs Looking Down Towards Apple Gateway and Blueberry FieldSame As Above Only More to the LeftTiger … [Read more...] about Quietly Walking About the Mid May Garden
Details of A Garden Walkabout Indigo Bunting Family and Other Life Forms
On the last day of my sisters visit in June, Mimi and I were surprised to discovered this small nest hidden within a peony. At the time I had no idea what kind of birds would peck their way out of these white eggs. I looked around and found no parents, so it was impossible for me to determine who might be growing here. One day old hatchlings . . . still no clue to their names. So tiny and fragile. The nest of mostly soft grasses is only about two feet from the ground. When I carefully … [Read more...] about Details of A Garden Walkabout Indigo Bunting Family and Other Life Forms
Stepping Into Spring Gardens On The South Side
Stepping into the Garden Wild Turkey style Stellata in the mist between gray birch From the Blueberry field Fluttering Magnolia stellata Back of House and Rock Maples from Blueberry field From the Blueberry field Jazzy Jonquils Spreading pollen Looking up from below the old rock garden to second terrace and smaller stellata Blooming Rock Maples and Birches across the way Golden Goldfinches Carpets of Bluets May Apple peeking through Helleborus … [Read more...] about Stepping Into Spring Gardens On The South Side
Birds in Review Part XXXIII ‘A Bird Parade’ Indigo Bunting
Our bird parade continues on with songbirds and the Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea) is one of the most beautiful of songbirds. Indigo Buntings harvest seeds and insects from the gardens and abandoned fields. They prefer a habitat with less inhabitants, but somehow do not mind my company now and then. Indigo Buntings can be seen foraging for food along the ground, as well as high in the trees and shrubs. The male Indigo Bunting will often choose the same few … [Read more...] about Birds in Review Part XXXIII ‘A Bird Parade’ Indigo Bunting