Hurricane winds whip plump faded blooms piled face down tossed about the ground Silently walking magical encounters flow Monarchs flutter by Through green garden paths gardener's shadow stirs clouds of butterflies Crisp cold front moves in Lepidoptera south sprung bright animate joy past Light flitting through trees chilling breezes slip between sweeping floating leaves … [Read more...] about September Garden Walkabout Blooms of Monarchs
September Garden Walkabout Blooms of Monarchs
Hurricane winds whipplump faded blooms piled face downtossed about the groundSilently walking magical encounters flowMonarchs flutter byThrough green garden pathsgardener's shadow stirsclouds of butterfliesCrisp cold front moves inLepidoptera south sprungbright animate joy pastLight flitting through treeschilling breezes slip between sweeping floating leaves … [Read more...] about September Garden Walkabout Blooms of Monarchs
Glimpses of North and Middle Garden Walkabouts
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' Gray Catbird Eggs - Second Brood Rosa Rugosa Thermopsis villosa and White Birch before Walnut Hill Chipping Sparrow in Nest Chipping Sparrow Eggs Rosa Virginiana Female Indigo Bunting and Nestlings in a Peony! Inidgo Bunting Nestlings - More on these later on. Tree Swallow Nestling Nearly Fledged Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nikko Blue' Looking through Middle Gardens and Tree Swallow Nestbox towards Mount … [Read more...] about Glimpses of North and Middle Garden Walkabouts
Woven Tapestries of Flora and Fauna Overcast and Bright
Apple tree where Robins rear their young. Empty Catbird nest Catbird fledgling Soft single roses please most in simplicity garden tapestries Robin in earnest through rain and sun weaving cup holding fragile young Always a mouthful detritus and twigs for walls upon apple branch Squealing worms for all clamorous hunger needs met endless work for mom Abandoning nests looking in the shrubberies fledglings stand alert Catbirds build anew no empty nest syndrome … [Read more...] about Woven Tapestries of Flora and Fauna Overcast and Bright