Glimpses of October from my windows
misty morning skies wearing layers of shadowy waves
melt between perfectly bright beautiful days of light
and those of rain showers falling as trees unfasten colorful leaves
each floating and uniquely flying to a destiny akin to a runaway kite.
A one thousand foot wide mass of storm
moves towards this land with a voice of wind power
too strong to harness for energy, oh most frightening form.
October retreats trembling along with inhabitants along the coast and cone.
For a moment . . . a calm look back over days of magical autumnal brilliance.
Mid October afternoon above and what the landscape looked like two days ago at sunrise below.
Golden mid October above . . . rosy sunrise two days ago below
Early October above and sunrise two days ago below
May all life within the reach of hurricane Sandy be safe.
Post hurricane Sandy . . .
Frightening winds did cause concern but all here at Flower Hill Farm still stands firmly and amazingly we did not lose power.
My thoughts are for all those have suffered loss due to this monstrous storm.
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