Grouse and Wild Turkey of Flower Hill Farm
Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey mostly live in the forest below my retreat and studio. I hear the grouse beating his chest with both wings and it carries up from the forest floor to my windows in the early morning hours. When I first heard the sounds of that flutter of wings on grouse chest, I thought it was some kind of diesel engine starting up. I remember thinking it rude of whoever was making that sound so early in the morning. What a laugh it was when I discovered it was a bird making that sound and not any man made machine. I miss that sound of late. I do not believe there are Ruffed Grouse here anymore. Wild Turkeys are plentiful and often visit my crabapple orchard. Their antics are hilarious at times. And they are beautiful when lit up by the sun, or jumping out of the crabapple trees with wings fully fanned out. I have yet to capture a portrait of a grouse. Here are some turkey sightings for you to enjoy.
Family ~ Phasianidae
Ruffed Grouse – Bonasa umbellus
Image to come
Wild Turkey – Meleagris gallopavo