Owls of Flower Hill Farm Retreat
Owls are alive and active here at Flower Hill Farm Retreat, but hard to see, let alone photograph in the dark. For over thirty years, I would hear Barred Owls calling up from the forest and once or twice even caught sight of one flying in the daylight. Their round heads on broad shoulders make them appear remarkably human like when in flight. Often it sounded like a conference was taking place in the forest below the retreat. There seem to be several owls calling back and forth to one another. One winter day a couple of years ago, I was lucky to look out and see a Barred Owl sitting in a Rock Maple next to my old farmhouse. I was amazed the beautiful creature allowed me to open the back door and stand underneath the tree to capture these images. It was humorous to watch a titmouse flying at the calm bird of prey. A second time that winter I had another chance to photograph this owl. Only this time, I had to stop to chase crows away who were harassing the owl. I wish I had just kept shooting. The owl was capable of taking care of himself. It is easy to see the calmness and then the fright that took over the presence of the owl. The crows descended and the owl flew away with the crows in pursuit. It was quite a sight.
Family ~ Barred Owl – Strigidae