Flower Hill Farm Sky View
There is a huge spread of ever changing sky over and around Flower Hill Farm Retreat. Beginning with my feet and ending with my head looking upwards, the sky is like an ocean I move through and reach out to. The morphing surf of clouds floating over tips of trees on Walnut and Carey Hill remind me of silken fluff I pick from milkweed seed pods and release to the wind. Over the years I have captured moments of light and forms melding between my mind and the sky. Clouds, sun, and moon moving through sheets of vapor painted at times, stroke upon stroke into layers of blues and other hues lasting moments then silently melting away. Just as the tide comes in and goes out again, when we look to the sky we can never hold on. So, being in the moment is important. To experience each day’s beginning and ending as a celebration is a worthy goal. Looking up towards the ceiling of sky is always rewarding for just like the river we can never step into the same sky twice. I hope you enjoy my collection (this is ongoing) of sky.
I have sky images sorted by Sunrise, Sunset, Clouds, and Moon.