No Mistaking ~~ Red-tailed Hawkthis was the endingsecond day of twenty twelve a day in the cloudsearlier sunrisedirectly above mountainhere but a mirroreastward reflectionsa westerly setting sunswathed in vivid huesa cloud filled sky dome.The images in my last post and this one reveal the beauty of a cloudy sky . . . millions of water droplets reflecting light and color throughout one day . . . from sunrise to sunset . . . high above Flower Hill Farm. The second day of a new year … [Read more...] about A Day In The Clouds Part Two ~ Sunset Sky Second Day of 2012
The World Goes Around and Around and Upside Down
Near winter quiet dawn and dusk dazzling daylight downy dons bright red a sleepy landscape within a wide world turning around and around ninety-nine percent everything seems upside down citizens awake Faraway in Sweden imaginations are pondering upside down for Katarina's Roses and Stuff. Skywatch … [Read more...] about The World Goes Around and Around and Upside Down
The World Goes Around and Around and Upside Down
Near winter quietdawn and dusk dazzling daylightdowny dons bright reda sleepy landscapewithin a wide world turningaround and aroundninety-nine percenteverything seems upside downcitizens awakeFaraway in Sweden imaginations are pondering upside down for Katarina's Roses and Stuff.Skywatch … [Read more...] about The World Goes Around and Around and Upside Down
Capturing And Holding Light At The Edge of Darkness
It is pure joy . . . while in the garden . . . to see the sun cresting and rising over Walnut hill into a clear crisp new day. The days are shorter now but to have the sunlight for any amount of time is welcome. Rain and clouds have smouthered the sun for weeks it seems, while the land and houses have absorbed the deluge of water falling and drowning out the light. Our spirits need light. The old farmhouse here does too and hopefully the swollen doors will dry out with the promised … [Read more...] about Capturing And Holding Light At The Edge of Darkness
Capturing And Holding Light At The Edge of Darkness
It is pure joy . . . while in the garden . . . to see the sun cresting and rising over Walnut hill into a clear crisp new day. The days are shorter now but to have the sunlight for any amount of time is welcome. Rain and clouds have smouthered the sun for weeks it seems, while the land and houses have absorbed the deluge of water falling and drowning out the light. Our spirits need light. The old farmhouse here does too and hopefully the swollen doors will dry out with the … [Read more...] about Capturing And Holding Light At The Edge of Darkness