Little Monarch caterpillars do not stay little long.
Growing strong each day
stretching towards one’s destiny
searching for one’s self
It may take some time
finding a place to feel safe
life can then unfold
Can you see what does not quite fit in this photograph? To see its story told . . . visit Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens.
Hidden within all
growth reveals inner beauty
the curtain rises
Throwing off old garb
crumpled up caught by jade leaf
growth comes from within
A chrysalis forms
green wing templates expanding
intention grabs hold
Just before changing
securely fasten your clasp
preventing a fall
Greening soul resting
imagination flowing
Song of renewal
realizing potential
a new beginning
Honor the journey
yellow white and black larva
become beaded gold
A garden holds light
beauty and danger reside
a white fright in green
ever morphing surroundings
green within and out
Sneak peek for next week.
It has been my great joy and honor to have experienced hundreds and hundreds of Monarch butterfly metamorphoses over the last twenty seven years. Each and every one is magical and feeds the spirit . . . a lovely metaphor for our lives. You can see more about these enchanting creatures by visiting earlier posts beginning here then following the other acts.
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