The gardens at Flower Hill Farm Retreat hold much more than just plants, shrubs and trees. Every day when I walk out into the gardens I never know what surprises await me. On June 4th I was walking down into the south field to check the Tree Swallow house when I heard a familiar yet strange sound. Looking towards the now overgrown rock garden area I saw a tiny fawn trying to stand.
In a matter of minutes the little White-tailed Deer fawn was stepping out of the protection of the overgrowth and began walking towards me as if it believed me to be its mother. When I edited these portraits of the wee one I was amazed to see she had blue eyes.
This precious creature could not have been more than a day or two old and had not yet learned to fear humans. I kept gently telling the fawn to go back into the cover and had to walk quickly away from her only to have her running after me. She tired out after a walk up and down the south field path and slipped back to sleep under the cover of grasses, wild geraniums and milkweed.
The next day I spotted a doe, an elegant deer, a female deer I believed to be the fawn’s mother making her way through thick tall ferns and goldenrod out in the lower north field. I imagined the fawn must be somewhere hiding too but did not see her or hear the doe communicating to her. As I was about to walk up into the middle garden, White-tailed deer calls were audible and I knew the fawn must be close by. Turning around and slowly walking back in the direction of the doe I caught a glimpse of the little spotted fawn.
The youngster seemed more mobile as she came out into the field and was clearly happy to see her mom.
Fresh yummy milk enriched by organic plants of Flower Hill Farm Retreat.
After a tummy full we all went on our separate ways. The fawn would most likely have settled into a cozy spot for a nap again soon after this shot. It is normal for a doe to leave her young somewhere she considers safe while she goes off to graze nearby.
Having these two encounters within two days left me feeling quite lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. I have had other experiences with White-tailed Deer and their fawns in the gardens and even another time seeing fawns nursing.
*If you go to the link just scroll down until you see the White-tailed Deer.
I have been feeling like a shoot trying to come up from the earth beneath a thick carpet of matted leaves of late. I hope to catch up soon.
I found you! Somehow I missed the notice. Must have been in one of those mass deletes I use when I get so terribly behind. I’ve changed my bookmark, so that I won’t lose you again.
Carole…such a lovely and moving post. I need to adjust my settings so I don’t miss them. I too have felt buried under matted leaves of late. 😉
I have forgotten to join this site and I have missed you. You always have such wonderful photos with great narrative. Now, I just need to figure out how to that.
such lovely photos Carol and such a special encounter!
wow to those beautiful blue eyes, i had no idea a deer had them.
wishing you a lovely summer, we are half way through now, time passes….
sending love.